Our Work

To work as an enabler, organiser, influencer, promoter, developer, communicator and implementer of education.

Finnish Education Outreach (AKA FEO)

FEO is a non-governmental expert organisation

FEO organises educational events, promotes learning, develops skills and talents, enables people to act and implements educational plans. These activities contribute to the success of every one of the UN 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Our activities promote self-dependence, empower people, provide more opportunities for people, increase innovation and creativity and increase employability.

FEO aims at providing digital and offline educational services and materials to make available remote lessons for those who otherwise cannot travel to the get access to in-person lessons.

Our programs take into account cultural, linguistic, geographic, and economic contexts and promote intercultural dialogue and build understanding within and between societies. Understanding other cultures helps to demonstrate the value of cultural diversity and human rights.

A product of the UN 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim at making sustainable development a reality for everyone.  Culture contributes to several SDGs; by acting as both an enabler and an important component in human development, culture can contribute to

  • economic growth and the creation of jobs
  • promoting intercultural dialogue
  • respect for human rights and democratic values
  • the development of an active civil society
  • the prevention of conflict
  • social inclusion

You can support our work by becoming a member or by making a financial donation – no amount is insufficient as one Euro can be helpful to our cause in Ghana.  Our operations are transparent and the money will be used for education in Ghana. You can follow us on our website and on Facebook and Instagram.